
A New Frontier for Purple Martin Conservation in Northwest Connecticut

A New Frontier for Purple Martin Conservation in Northwest Connecticut

— New tracking technology will allow researchers to study martin movements across the country—and outside of it!
Raptors and Riesling 2025

Raptors and Riesling

Every spring in May, we host a celebration of birds, wildlife, nature, conservation, and the beauty of the Northwest Corner. Mark your calendar and plan to join us—this annual celebration wouldn't be the same without you!
National Invasive Species Awareness Week

National Invasive Species Awareness Week

Learn more about the largest invasive species awareness effort in North America and what can be done to stop the spread of harmful invasive species in Connecticut.
Birds in Crisis: What Can I Do?

Birds in Crisis: What Can I Do?

An exhibit and online presentation highlighting important ecological concerns affecting you and our natural world
Share the Love, #ShareTheShore

Share the Love, #ShareTheShore

It's more than just a hashtag. Use this digital toolkit to make waves for vulnerable birds.
New Audubon Science: Two-Thirds of North American Birds at Risk of Extinction Due to Climate Change

New Audubon Science: Two-Thirds of North American Birds at Risk of Extinction Due to Climate Change

— Enter your zip code into Audubon’s Birds and Climate Visualizer and it will show you how climate change will impact your birds and your community and includes ways you can help.
Kestrel Nest Box Program Keeps Populations Steady

Kestrel Nest Box Program Keeps Populations Steady

— How do we increase the statewide population of American Kestrels? One nest box at a time.
Pasquariello Audubon Sanctuary

Pasquariello Audubon Sanctuary

This 162-acre property in West Hartland is permanently protected thanks to the generosity of the Pasquariello family. Not open to the public—access is by advance permission only.
Miles Wildlife Audubon Sanctuary

Miles Wildlife Audubon Sanctuary

Discover the beautiful views and wildlife of this Audubon sanctuary—open daily from sunrise to sunset