


Exploring the 8 miles of trails at the Sharon Audubon Center affords visitors the opportunity to experience diverse wildlife habitats, which are home to a wide variety of plants, birds, and animals such as Bobcat, Beaver, River Otter, and Whitetail Deer. The Chestnut-sided Warbler, Ovenbird, and Wood Thrush, among other neotropical migratory birds, breed in our woods in the summer while many other migratory birds use the property as a layover point during their long migrations.

Visitors are welcome to explore and enjoy our center's trails and gardens, and view the aviaries, daily from sunrise to sunset. We appreciate any support you can give, and suggest a donation of $5 per person.

Visitors are also welcome to walk the Pond Loop Trail at the Miles Wildlife Audubon Sanctuary—open daily from 8am – 5pm

Trail Rules

When you enjoy nature on our trails, remember this is a wildlife sanctuary. To protect the wildlife, and for your safety, please...

  • Leave bikes at home
  • Walk dogs ONLY on the Bog Meadow and Ford-Borland trails, leashed at all times. No dogs are allowed at the aviaries.
  • Hunting and fishing are not allowed (the wildlife do the hunting and fishing here)
  • Do not enter ponds or streams (except during guided programs)
  • Stay on the trails—the forest is for the wildlife!
  • Take only pictures, leave only footprints (not litter)
  • No alcohol or smoking on the property
  • Remember, the houses on the property are private residences—please respect their privacy
  1. Hendrickson Bog Meadow Trail
  2. Oak Trail
  3. Fern Trail
  4. Ford-Borland Trail

How you can help, right now