
Stewardship Board

We greatly appreciate the dedication of our volunteer Stewardship Board, who help make our center a success
Members of the Sharon Audubon Center Board from left to right: Kathleen Fuhr, Gerry Freedman, Cynthia Walsh, Alexandra Peters, Bill McKelvy, Sandy Slemmer

The Sharon Audubon Center Stewardship Board is a committed group of community leaders from different towns in the northwest corner and further, that works with the center director to keep our focus on achieving our vision of the future of Sharon Audubon Center through our mission. With fiscal oversight, and through fundraising and policy support, we ensure that Sharon Audubon Center continues to be a thriving and highly respected presence in the northwest corner of Connecticut.

Our board meetings are held quarterly, and our very active board is highly involved in furthering the work of Sharon Audubon Center.

As a center of the National Audubon Society, we collaborate with our state office, Audubon Connecticut, and National Audubon Society to stay closely aligned with state and national priorities.

John Brett, Sharon, Board Chair

Cynthia F. Walsh, Lakeville, Treasurer

Susan Norton Allen, Falls Village

Daniel C. Edmundson, Sharon

Gerald Freedman, Sharon

Kathleen D. Fuhr, Sharon

Lou Hecht, Salisbury

Claudia Malley, Sharon

Sandy Elson Slemmer, Winsted

Michele Sherman-Kalish, Lakeville

Claude Shostal, Cornwall

Charles M. Wright, Salisbury

(Last updated November 2023)

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