Raptor Aviaries
Sharon Audubon Center houses various species of Birds of Prey such as hawks, owls, falcons, and an eagle that have been determined non-releasable—meaning that they would not be able to survive on their own in the wild. The birds reside in large, outdoor aviaries, which are just a short walk from our Visitor Center building.
Visitors are welcome to explore and enjoy our center's trails and gardens, and view the aviaries, daily from sunrise to sunset. We appreciate any support you can give, and suggest a donation of $5 per person.
Select here to learn more about our resident birds
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Where birds thrive, people prosper. Help us transform local communities into places where birds flourish. Learn what you can do to nurture wildlife, nature, and conservation in Connecticut.
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Through land stewardship, science, education, and advocacy, we work to preserve habitat and protect bird species that are of state, national, and global concern. Your gift makes a difference.
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When you become a member of Sharon Audubon Center, you are protecting critical woodlands and a natural heritage for generations to come. Help us do great things.